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Stucco decoration Harmony — interior perfection

The history of using stucco decoration in interior decoration has its roots in antiquity. The first experiments with stucco decoration date back to the Baroque period, which appeared in the **16th-17th centuries**. For a long time, this beauty required scale, large funds, and was a decoration of palaces of royalty and nobility. Only in the last decade has stucco decoration been able to enter modern homes. In our time, stucco decoration is becoming more and more popular. The art of making stucco decoration from gypsum has been known since ancient times. But since the technology of manufacturing gypsum decoration is quite complex, polyurethane has come to replace it.

Polyurethane is a unique synthetic polymer material (foamed plastic). It is a durable material, resistant to temperature fluctuations, does not absorb moisture and odors. It is absolutely environmentally friendly, and implants are made from it in medicine. The unique properties of polyurethane allow you to easily recreate elements of any shape and complexity. The production of stucco decoration from polyurethane is a high-tech process. A mixture of components is poured into specially made, sealed metal molds, during the casting process, a film-based primer is applied to the decorative element, which merges with the product at a high temperature. Then the product is arbitrarily cooled and painted.

The collection of Chinese stucco decoration Harmony (Harmony) is a relatively young collection, but it differs from other analogues by its unique combination of high quality, affordable price and new design solutions. The best specialists of the company and representatives of the manufacturing company took part in the development of the design and assortment policy of the new brand, who took into account all the nuances of the production of polyurethane products and the best world achievements in this field. The Harmony stucco decoration collection is a wide selection of cornices, rosettes, consoles, pilasters, columns, decorative elements for windows and doors, fireplaces, which are ideal for any audience seeking to diversify the interior of standard apartments, create coziness and individuality.

The Chinese Harmony collection places the greatest emphasis on the environmental friendliness of the brand, confirmed by an international quality certificate and received international recognition in 20 countries of the world. Using stucco decoration of the Harmony collection, you can not only decorate the interior, making it luxurious, but also zone the space, modular systems will help you with this, which will create any compositions.

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An important advantage of the collection is the presence of flexible elements - cornices and moldings made of polyurethane with the addition of rubbers. The presence of a flexible analogue in the catalog is marked with a snake. Polyurethane is extremely easy to install, even a beginner without training can install it.

Particular attention should be paid to the section of the collection - Art Decor, which presents fiberglass products, decorative elements can be used not only indoors, but also outdoors, and will also become an additional accessory in landscape design.

Stucco decor
Window sills
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